How to explain cosmology’s continuing use of a singleton concept unsupported by theory or physics – the beginning of our Universe. As noted in my first blog entry – Abbé Georges-Henri Lemaître published that 1931 notation that spawned our concept of a singularity with Ifs about creation from a single quantum. A 1931 math concept with no physical support.
So from a math concept and a [[[MOVING]]] redshift analysis, having no technology to discern more; cosmologist of the day chose from the second of two possibilities of this phenomenon – the first an explosive beginning [indicative of a creation & denied] or 2nd sidestepping creation and assume that space is expanding.
In 1914 Vesto Melvin Slipher presented his results to the American Astronomical Society (August 1914 meeting) indicating that 11 nebulae [as they were called in 1915, now called galaxies] where moving away form Earth at velocities based on the amount of redshift. This is the source behind expanding space.
See Spectrographic Observations of Nebulae [ by V. M. Slipher in the Report of the seventeenth meeting of the August 1914 American Astronomical Society meeting]
[[[“Redshift – elements give off characteristic spectral lines when gasified and analyzed by spectroscopy. Shifting of these lines to the red acts like the Doppler shift of a moving body.” Page 43 from my The Big Bang Book. ]]]
And here we are some four score years later, still using old math & a very impossible piece of physics – that of space expanding [[[very selectively –– not at a local solar system level & not between nearby local group galaxies but only between distant galaxies]]] – a concept that seems to get stronger the further apart are the masses – the opposite of how gravity and magnetism work. Up to now our marvelous hi-tech arenas have not demonstrated space expansion, nor have anyone theorized how this very selective space expansion is possible.
As a consequence the 2nd choice requires the Abbé Georges-Henri Lemaître concept of a infinitely hot & dense singularity – The Big Bang – an imposible concept that has no counterpart in physics.
WHAT COSMOLOGY KNOWS ABOUT SINGULARITIES. See end of the second paragraph at The Big Bang Theory:, this web site is very hard to transfer, need to copy url – – “Our universe is thought to have begun as an infinitesimally small, infinitely hot, infinitely dense, something – a singularity. Where did it come from? We don’t know. Why did it appear? We don’t know.”
Conclusion: – cosmology does not have a clue.