This Dark Energy is a integral part of the following analysis [updated June 24, 2022]:
Common 3D Physics Depicts Universe Emerging From Chaos
Abstract: Evidence of dark energy found on earth is common place. Just strike a match and the atom electrons fueled by dark energy drive light photons out instantaneously at 186,282 miles per second. That power source is an energy currently undetected by any sensing instruments known beyond our own eyesight. Further, that energy exercise is displayed in firework displays, dynamite explosions, chain reactions, atomic bombs, and in the furnace of stars.
Following that energy trail provides a completely new understanding of our universe allowing me to answer all the most perplexing questions of cosmology including how the Big Bang Banged, how galaxies with individual orientation are formed, what is the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, how to visualize the geometry of our universe, and how to compute the age of our universe and its component – atoms.
Most important! That accelerating space expansion is a misreading of manipulated data. Skip the statistical average manipulation and the supernovae scatter plot is better explained by a Pulsating Big Bang Explosion similar to a Pulsating Gamma Ray Burst.
And includes the Physics of: the Singleton, Atoms, Atomic Forces, Photons, Virtual Particles, Big Bang, Dark Energy, Supernovae, Gamma Ray Bursts, Cosmic Microwave Background, and Galaxy Formation.
This cosmological analysis has no need for mathematical assumptions of space expansion or inflation. Math is not physics [See Richard Feynman in The Character of Physical Law page 55] in reality math is an illusion of physics/knowledge. That’s because math can easily duplicate the quantities, but cannot supply the function, Observations, the basis of physics, take precedence.
Construction: This paper combines the methods and tools of one of our greatest physicist – using Richard Feynman’s start from scratch method and working with known 3D physics and replicable observations that allows us to describe the existence of Chaotic Dark Energy and its role in the Big Bang Creation and its continuing role in our galaxy filled Universe. This is an explosive expansion of the physics from my:
The Big Bang Book: How, Where, & When Demonstrated available at Amazon.
Intro to Cosmology, Dark Energy, & Creation
With this analysis, we open a doorway into an exciting expanded 3D landscape that anyone could take off on some aspect and expand our understanding of our Universe.
Up till this presentation, cosmology had no concept of how our Universe began. Their best source of information – was that our Universe sprang out of nothing based on mathematical equations, not physics.
That obscured the Deep Thinking needed about known physics that’s presented herein which shows how Universe emerged from Chaos.
Everything that we know about our Universe, are the inventions of someone’s mind that may or not be from Deep Thinking, that we now call — The Laws of Physics.
Today, unsupported by physics, is the current shallow thinking, that our Universe’s atoms were created from a ‘singleton’ smaller than a atom popping out of ‘nothing.’
To help us understand cosmology we need to include information about that dark energy puzzle we will unraveled here – From the Dark Energy Survey: reported last May, 2021 by FermiLab Stated that –“Dark energy, which cosmologists hypothesize drives the accelerating expansion of the universe (that increases the space between galaxies ) by counteracting the force of gravity, and accounts for about 70%.” (of the total mass-energy of the universe.)
This dark energy is assumed to be the driving force accelerating the expansion of our universe ; by playing that expansion backwards reduces the universe to a singleton or less.
This singleton then must contain all the atomic material that makes up our Universe and must necessarily be at least a multi-billion times denser than a black hole while forming out of nothing and is so dense that it lacks any means of exploding. Lacking any supporting physics, this concept of a singleton is not well received by the scientific community.
That indicates that we need to study the closest thing to a singleton found on Earth for a better explanation — the atoms.
The most important thing that we need to keep in mind for this analysis is what Richard Feynman told us: “All things are made of atoms.”
In that light, here assembled is a number of replicable observations when properly arranged, with Deep Thinking, allows us to understand atoms and how the ‘physics’ of chaotic dark energy was employed in the Creation of our Universe; before, during, and after the Big Bang.
The current estimate of all the atoms that make up our Universe is about 10 to the 80th power, and were all created in the Big Bang era computed by NASA now to have occurred back at least 13.8+ billion years ago.
Click on this link: How Many Atoms Are There in the Universe? for the estimate of atoms.
When viewed under the latest ‘noncontact atomic force microscope’, the atoms looked remarkably like spherical ball bearings. Although these atoms look like ball bearing we must remember that there is no egg shell surrounding them, what we see is are those rapidly orbiting electrons rapidly orbiting the nucleus covering every surface in a spirographic pattern.
See figures 1 & 2:

1 New Microscope Reveals the Shape of Atoms and
2 Atom by Atom, Bond by Bond, a Chemical Reaction Caught in the Act
This Next Paragraph is the Key to Understanding Creation
Assembling some of these 13.8+ billion year old spherical atoms into a match, when struck, emit light photons instantaneously at 186,282 miles per second, indicating that some power [chaotic dark energy?] must drive the atom’s orbiting electrons at the speed of light continuously since the Big Bang and at that speed they are making a million trillion orbits per second giving us that ball bearing shape.
Dividing the distance that light travels in one second (30 billion cm) by the circumference of an atom (0.1 nanometer or about 0.000 000 03 cm) results in that ratio of a million trillion to one or in numbers 10 to the 18th power number of orbits per second.
Up till today science has no theories on what drives electrons. Dark energy is the only physical power on the horizon to do that. Further, that energy exercise is displayed in firework displays, dynamite explosions, chain reactions, atomic bombs, and in the furnace of stars.
What we know about Light/Photons:
From a match we see the light, painless.
But put your finger near the flame and we get burned.
Add more light/photons from a dynamite explosion and we can blast a hole in rock.
Add even more light/photons coming from an atomic bomb and we destroy a city.
Squeeze atoms in a star’s huge gravity field and starlight/photons support life on earth.
About dark energy, orbiting electrons, and light photons moving at the speed of light – that dark energy that has to be Very powerful!
On atomic bombs: We note that a very tiny gram’s worth of ancient uranium atoms when properly configured for fission; redirects its power source during a ‘chain reaction’ and destroys Hiroshima.
“7/10ths gram of uranium 235 consumed,” see: Less than two percent of the Hiroshima bomb’s uranium actually detonated
Two atomic processes drive light/photons. First, a byproduct of chain reaction fission or second, that atomic fusion viewed by Earth as star/light/photons. Where is this tremendous redirected power coming from? Chaotic dark energy?
In merging galaxies as well in all galaxies tremendous power is constantly required to keep stars shinning for billions of years driving those spherical star atom/electrons and has to come from someplace and the best choice is dark energy.
Where does that energy come from? Not from a 13.8 billion year old battery pack.
No tiny, atom sized battery works that long or holds that much power. Let’s put some Deep Thinking to work.
The best consideration for this redirected atomic power source of atomic chain reaction fission or in stars that fusion photon byproduct is chaotic dark energy that is continuous redirected by all the atoms fusing in all the stars in all the galaxies in our Universe for at least 13.8 billion years.
According to NASA, our Universe holds about 200 billion galaxies, averaging a hundred thousand stars each.
Continuing our observational based Deep Thinking study, this chaotic dark energy must fill all of space, and must move at very high velocities evidenced by pushing electrons in atoms that drive star/light/photons at light speed and very powerfully provides the needs of all the atoms in these star filled galaxies.
Noting that such chaotic dark energy, moving at about the speed of light around our Universe, must incur normal high speed pulsating instabilities as seen in some of the most powerful pulsating graphs of supernovae (SN) and gamma ray burst [GRB] explosions as recorded by NASA. See figures 3 & 4:
Figure 3 SN 2008D Fig 4 GRB #920216

X-ray outburst reveals a supernova before it explodes –– Figure 3
Figure 4-GRB #920216 [uses trigger 1406] [Note: this NASA link is now restricted -see page 50 in The Bang Book; How, Where, & When Demonstrated or See: ]
Figure 3 above presents the 2008 highly pulsating supernova SN 2008D chart with black lines recording that pulsating explosion; the red line plotted is just the statistical average of this very pulsating explosion. This supernova flashed 100 billion times brighter than the sun in that time. But supernovae are tiny —
— compared to the thousands of pulsating gamma ray bursts which shine hundreds of times brighter than supernovae and are around a million trillion times as bright as the Sun. NASA records at least one GRB a day.
Continuing with our pulsating instabilities such as turbulence, flutter, and buffeting as seen in Earth studies, —
— that suggests, that before the Big Bang, this chaotic dark energy must have traveled over every possible pattern until —
— Just as they did at Stanford Labs where a tiny amount of atomic matter was created by smashing massive energy beams in ’97. See: Scientists Use Light to Create Particles
“Virtual particles are indeed real particles.” See: Are virtual particles really constantly popping in and out of existence? Or are they merely a mathematical bookkeeping device for quantum mechanics?
How to create atoms: In that both electron and proton beams are relatively easy to make in the lab, but atoms are much more difficult to make, as seen at Stanford, which shows that staggering amounts of energy are required to create even the tiniest particles of matter.
Consequently I presume that while that turbulent, chaotic dark energy is converging, (which increases its density), but not until it reaches maximum convergence and density, does the strong atomic force or chaotic dark energy combine virtual particles into its atomic form: the atom.
The atom – bubbling out; entrapping space at the unbelievable increased volume – 248 trillion times the volume of its proton. All in a flash.
The ‘volume’ of a hydrogen atom divided by the ‘volume’ of its proton equals that ratio of 248 trillion to one.
In the twinkling of a cosmic moment these 10 to the 80th power number of atoms pulsatingly bubble out some 248 trillion times the volume of protons.
— To manifest as: The Big Bang in a very highly pulsating, turbulent, buffeting process bubbling shell after shell of atoms so furiously that the first shell crop of atoms created is driven by the 2nd shell which is driven by the next shell of bubbles and so forth:
Resulting in the first shell moving away from the epicenter at near the speed of light and each succeeding bubbling shell is pulsatingly driven with less push and slower speeds until the density becomes too thin to continue the process, all in that creative cosmic moment we now call the Big Bang.
Note the Midpoint of anything traveling away from a viewer.
Further, that first shell of atoms, pulsatingly bubbling away from this Big Bang Epicenter, radiates its diminishing power from its midpoint location, in all directions, and once that radiation passes by it is replaced with radiation from its new farther out position taking longer and longer for its radiation to reach us Earthlings.
That’s like watching a departing car’s tail light that is driving away from a viewer; the light comes from the midpoint that is further and further away, is dimmer and dimmer and takes longer and longer to reach the viewer.
VERY IMPORTANT TO BE AWARE OF: The departing tail light always comes from the midpoint of its travels – those light photons viewed do not represent actual source which has moved beyond the midpoint of its travels. The same is true for all celestial objects moving away from Earth.
So when that first shell of atoms reached a position some 13.8 billion light years down from the Big Bang, radiation from that midpoint location as measured by NASA took another 13.8 billion years to shine back to the epicenter [as recorded today some 27.6 billion years after the Big Bang by NASA] where the last atoms created were bubbled out at 0.2% of light speed or less.
In the meantime those first atoms are continuing there outward travel and are approximately 27.6 billion light years away from our very slow moving Earth moving at ~ 0.2% of the speed of light, Earth and our solar system is moving out at a snail’s pace compared to the speed of light.
That 0.2% is based on the NASA ’89-’93 COBE satellite study that computes Earth’s velocity to be 600 kilometers per second equaling 0.2% of light speed which equals 372 miles per second.
For that COBE reference See: Astronomy Picture of the Day dated January 28, 2001 & April 3, 2022.
We in the Milky Way Galaxy are one of the slowest moving galaxies, with almost everyone else moving away from us. [There are about 100 galaxies whose light is blue shifted in that they are moving toward us.] Not realistic if expanding space was real.
For galaxies moving toward us See: Are there any galaxies that have a blue-shift? and Apart from Andromeda, are any other galaxies moving towards us?
We are moving comparatively so slow to most of the star filled galaxies that we could say we are virtually in the center of our Universe –– only 0.2% of the radius of the Universe.
This is how our cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) [a thin spherical cloud of atoms, too thin to form galaxies surrounding our Universe] was created and its radiation [a reflection of nearby galactic star/light/photons bouncing off of the atoms that make up the CMB cloud] now viewed to be coming from that midpoint spherical edge some 13.8 billion light years away from the huge CMB sphere surrounding Earth. In the meantime the actual CMB cloud continuous its outward drive away from it bubbling origin and is 27.6 billion light years away which we won’t see until our Universe is double that number – 55.2. See figure 5B below. Note: Every speck in the CMB is unique and unchanging and can be used to triangulate Earth’s location as depicted in figure 5B.
The only way that we could view a sphere is if we are located very near the center which we are, supported by that COBE Study reported in the Astronomy Picture of the Day dated January 28, 2001 & April 3, 2022 shown above.
From the BBC News in 2003; this is the first view of that CMB presented as a sphere by Dr. Max Tegmark of the University of Pennsylvania who processed the image notes that Earth is right in the dead center of this CMB sphere based on the NASA COBE satellite results noted by BBC.
Fig 5 From the BBC News: The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Sphere 13.8 billion light years from Earth in every direction.

The BBC News picturing the CMB sphere: Map reveals strange cosmos
How long did it take for this cosmic microwave background radiation cloud of atoms to grow from zero size at the time of the Big Bang to that midpoint location a sphere surrounding our observable Universe?
Figure 5B [from page 60 – The Big Bang Book: How, Where, & When Demonstrated:

13.8 billion years!
13.8 billion years atoms out from the Big Bang’s epicenter and 13.8 billion years radiation return from the CMB field that midpoint location, as measured by NASA. That equals 27.6 billion years elapsed since the Big Bang. This is the age of all atoms. This is the age of our universe – 27.6 billion years.
In the meantime the radiating atoms are continuing traveling out into space unabated as far as we know.
For stars older than 13.8 billion years old:
This best age calculation of our 27.6 billion year old Universe allows us to include that very old 14.3 billion year old Methuselah star so troubling to current cosmologists. See: The Greatest Cosmic Puzzle: Astronomers Find Stars That Appear Older Than The Universe
Earth [like all atoms] age of 27.6 billion years times its relatively very slow speed of 372 miles per second (That NASA COBE speed) = a scant 55 million light years traveled out from the Big Bang’s Epicenter. Only 0.2% of the 13.8 billion light year radius to the CMB from Earth.
Our super slow traveling Earth is virtually right next to the Big Bang Epicenter of our Universe.
We have several extensive space and Earth bound telescope views that support this concept that our very slow moving Earth is only 55 million light years from the Center of our 27.6 billion year old Universe. 0.2% of Radius.
Center Earth in 5 views – None Homogeneous!
1st Shows Earth in the center of Luminous Red Galaxies [LRG’s] see figure 6 below.
Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Early Data Release & How big is big? Probing the conditions of the universe on the largest scales
Fig 6 – LRG’s

Fig 7 – Quasars

2nd Figure 7 Earth in center cross-hairs surrounded by Quasars. See: 2dF QSO Redshift Survey
3rd Earth is virtually in the dead center of the surrounding cosmic microwave background radiation sphere. See figure 5B repeated here.

4th Earth Is in the center of the Hubble space telescope North and South Deep Field Surveys when plotted on a celestial map and triangulated with the cold spot. – See page 45 in The Bang Book; How, Where, & When Demonstrated and deep field references at: The Hubble Deep Fields
Figure 8 NASA Deep Fields around Earth

5th DESI Slice of 400,000 galaxies:

With Earth firmly in the center of our Universe we can talk about the poorly thought out assumptions of expanding and accelerating space. Once that we can explain how our atoms came bubbling out into space by the pulsating action of Chaotic Dark Energy – that denies the need for expanding/accelerating space or inflation. See: Cosmic Inflation Theory Faces Challenges
Major problem of that expansion assumption:
“Complicating matters further, the repulsive force had to be less when the galaxies were forming than it is today. If it had always hovered around its present strength, galaxies would have blown apart before they could have formed, and no one would be here today to worry about it. ‘We want it to be here today and gone yesterday, so that it doesn’t interfere with the growth of structure, said [Michael] Turner.” From: K. C. Cole, The Hole in the Universe: How Scientists Peered over the Edge of Emptiness and Found Everything. New York: Harcourt, Inc., 2001, page 201.
Two assumptions regarding accelerating space expansion:
The first – Willem de Sitter’s 1916/17 space expansion equation of empty space has nothing to count and no points to measure.
What math does; counts, measures, and compares [using equations]. In 1916-7 Willem de Sitter said that space expanded with nothing in it. – Well there is nothing to count in empty space and no points to measure – that certainly does not provide evidence that space expands. But decades later, cosmologists needed to explain what was causing the distances between galaxies to increase and they latched onto de Sitter’s math.
2nd [[[[[ Accelerating Space Expansion is a misreading of manipulated data: the statistical average or manipulation of the Supernovae scatter plot is much better explained by a pulsating gamma ray burst like explosion in space creating a shotgun-like distribution then from a limiting push from that assumed expansion. ]]]]]
We need to start by reviewing the facts. First we have recorded the exploding stars called supernovae with Earth based telescopes and they seemed to fall into a one-to-one relationship in that the further distant they were the dimmer they were. That was ok until we viewed further distant supernovae with the Hubble Space Telescope and found that they didn’t fall on the earlier progression but the upward curving average of this new scattered distribution The B group indicated acceleration.
Figure 9__1996 Distribution of type 1a Supernovae – the source of the assumed expanding space concept by using averages over scatter plot reality

Two classic cosmological tests near end of page. Figure taken from Perlmutter et al., ApJ 517, 565 (1999)
(Also page 49 in The Bang Book; How, Where, & When Demonstrated.)
It is not until we recognize that the scatter plots of supernovae mirror a pulsating push of bubbling atoms that can account for the scattered distribution of said supernovae. Statistical averages have a way of obscuring the true view.
By comparing a pulsating GRB explosion to the supernovae scattered distribution, we create a mirror image, effectively eliminating the so called space expansion or acceleration.
Figure 10 Comparing a GRB light curve with Supernovae; High pulsating push drives the far scattered galaxies containing Supernovae. The average of both charts hides the pulsing drive and the scattered galaxies creating the assumed space expansion’s acceleration. with: Hubble diagram for 42 high-redshift Type Ia supernovae from the Supernova Cosmology Project, and 18 low-redshift Type Ia supernovae from the Calán/Tololo Supernova Survey, after correcting both sets for the SN Ia lightcurve width-luminosity relation. (Figure 10 from page 52 of The Bang Book; How, Where, & When Demonstrated.)
This bubbling of atoms out into space, like any explosion, shoots its output not uniformly, but randomly scattered like the debris from any explosion, just like the scattered distribution of supernovae that caused cosmologists to believe that space is accelerating.
Galaxy Formation:
The time element of this bubbling of first atoms traveling out into space, and the CMB radiation return from that far location is 13.8 billion light years out and 13.8 billion years return to the bubbling epicenter requires a round trip of 27.6 billion years providing all the time necessary for galaxy formation during the atoms headlong rush into space.
That means that the youngest galaxies that we see in the Ultra Deep Fields took at least 14+ billion years [moving at less than the speed of light] for those farthest seen galaxies, their midpoint location, to form their respective rudimentary forms and radiate their meager starlight taking another 13+ billion years to reach centrally located, very slow moving Earth –– a 27.6 billion year time elapsed from the bubbling of atoms out, to the formation of slower traveling atoms during galaxy formation, to the time needed for galaxy light to return to our centrally located Earth.
Noting the fact that all the atoms were pulsatingly bubbled out into space and were subject to a variety of forces such as gravity, friction, and turbulence that gave way to the huge variety of galaxy forms noting that the first atoms bubbled out were moving the fastest and each succeeding shell had less and less push along with much more time (billions of years) allowed the variety of forces exerted on these new atoms to assist in the formation of galaxies.
In the meantime, the very slow moving atoms in Our Milky Way Galaxy took 27.6 billion years to travel just 55 million light years out of that bubbling explosion.
During those 27.6 billion years our very slow moving atoms used all the various forces of gravity, friction, and turbulence to form our magnificent giant spiral galaxy that we find ourselves living in right next to the center of our universe.
Recap: The furthest [and youngest] galaxies seen in the Hubble Deep Field survey as measured by NASA are about 13+ billion years old and took 14+ billion years to reach that far distant midpoint location, providing all the time necessary for outrushing atoms to form into the infantile sized galaxies whose new star light now took 13+ billion years to reach us earthlings as recorded in NASA’s Hubble Deep Field. That 27.6 billion year round trip – atoms out, CMB photons back.
We need to be located outside of our Universe to see the light from the original Big Bang not at the center.
There is no space expanding physics
nor do we have
accelerating physics
there is just Pre-existing Space
Based on all the above we find that the creation of our Universe was constructed out of Chaotic Dark Energy bubbled out all the estimated 10 to the 80th power number of atoms some 27.6 billion years ago and our very slow moving Earth is right next to the center of our 27.6 billion year old Universe.
All of the above evidence, analyzed with Deep Thinking, finds that the vast, powerful, timeless, and Chaotic Dark Energy existed prior to the Big Bang and continues to drive all the atom’ electrons sending out star/light/photons – that fusion byproduct from all the galaxies in our Universe.